
Tomato Herb Salad

Aww summer time is here… well every other day at least! {if you live in Texas you’ll understand lol}

I swear this Texas weather is so bipolar. One day I’m getting sunburnt the next I’m wrapped up with a blanket on the back porch drinking coffee.

Despite the inconsistent weather its the season of entertaining! I’m an August baby so naturally I love the summer and all of its sun shine! Nothing beats days on the lake, floating the river, and camping with friends… seriously I can’t think of anything better!!

As the season change I find my self craving light and fresh foods. Texas summers can get very hot and certain foods can be wayyy to heavy for me. I love grilling and keeping my meals simple but packed with flavor.

I was chatting with my mom the other day about my garden and how my dill is growing like crazy and I had no idea what to do with it. I initially purchased it for canning my cucumbers later in the season, but she suggested using fresh dill in a cucumber salad. Why didn’t I think of that I thought… duhhhhh!!

As I started thinking about cucumber salads and caprese salads this tomato herb salad was born!

Ya’ll I can’t express how much I love my herb garden. It has really allowed me to add so much more flavor to my everyday cooking. I hate buying herbs at the grocery store…FIRST OFF depending on what you’re looking for they don’t always have it in stock. If they do have the herbs you need they can be expensive and don’t come with much… or they come with too much and it goes bad before you use it!

I added several more herbs to my garden this year so I can use as much as I like and dry the rest! {I can hardly contain my excitement! Clearly my age is showing}

This salad is easy easy easy and honestly you can add any vegetables or herbs you like… or even throw in some mozzarella to kick it up notch!


I just noticed a few tomatoes growing on my early girlie tomato plant and I’m itching to be able to use my fresh tomatoes for this salad!!

Hope you enjoy this recipe!

-Ann Vandergriff






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