Morning Routine

As I was sitting here this morning sipping on coffee, working away, and listening to Rachel Hollis’s new book, Girl, Stop Apologizing, I realized I should get on here and talk about morning routines.

Rachel touched on it as I listened and I couldn’t agree more with how important a good morning routine can be! It makes a HUGE difference in my life. A few years ago I would go as far to say waking up a few hours before the rest of the house was life changing…. but somewhere along the way I stopped.

Why do we do that?!?!?! When we know exactly what we need to be successful but somehow can’t bring ourselves to take action….

With school starting back up for my kids I have to say I’m so excited about early mornings and getting back into strict routines. I am way more productive if I start my day off right and it just makes me feel so darn good! If I start my day in chaos I’m literally a ticking time bomb.

What does a morning routine look like?

I am a self-help book connoisseur. All the books I’ve read or listened to ultimately have hit on the same few things.

  • Wake up Early
  • Exercise or Move ya body
  • Mediate
  • Journal

I’ve tweaked a few things to better serve me and my lifestyle as a working momma!

Wake Up

Wake up early enough to give yourself a minimum of an hour to work on you! This does not include getting ready time.

During the school year  I have to get up at 4:30-5 to make this happen. My kids have to be in the classroom by 7:30, so by 6-6:15 I’m having to wake them up and hustle them out the door by 7:10.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking…. 4:30 reallllyyyy! It’s really not that bad once you get on a schedule. The first week is rough but once you’ve adjusted your sleep schedule it’s a walk in the park.

To be able to wake up slowly and enjoy some quiet time is priceless. Getting out of bed is the hardest part but once you’re up you’re up!

I set my phone on the charger in the kitchen so I have to walk across the house to turn it off. If it’s right next to my bed I have a tendency to hit snooze then it turns into an ugly endless cycle until I’m jumping out of bed at the very last minute and scrambling to do all the things!

STAY OFF YOUR PHONE! I do my best to not look at my phone for the first few hours of my day. In the evening I set it on do not disturb and aside from my alarm I don’t mess with it. We are bombarded by social media, apps, and this that and the other…. so give yourself a break to be unplugged first thing!

Wash your Face

Washing your face and brushing your teeth first thing helps wash away the sleepiness, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

I also change out of my night clothes into work out clothes.

Start a load of Laundry

Starting your day off knocking out a chore really helps get the productivity juices flowing, not to mention helps to stay on top of the most dreaded chore in the house!

I swear by this … first and foremost it’s the one chore in the house that piles up the fastest and with a family of 5 a few days of no laundry means hourssssssss of catching up.

The evenings are busy for me cooking, homework, bathing, cleaning up after dinner, finishing up work… I’m too tired to mess with laundry at night!

I don’t know what it is but that load of laundry makes me feel like I’ve got my life together and when I’m on top of the laundry I feel pretty much invisible!! lol … I’m not kidding it’s pretty much a superpower!

Something in motion stays in motion! This is straight science y’all!

Newton’s first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

Doing one load a laundry a day snowballs for me and keeps me on top of housework, work, and the list goes on!

Doing a little everyday frees up so much time! No more spending all weekend catching up on things you’ve ignored or fell behind on! You can spend the free time doing more important things or relaxing!

Coffee Time

You’re up and you’ve already knocked out a task now reward yourself with a nice hot cup of coffee or whatever beverage you prefer to start your day off with.

I like to enjoy my coffee with a good motivational book or a good Bible study…. or both! When you wake up early you make the rules!!

Mindful Mediation

Mediation is still a work in progress for me but I do thoroughly see a difference when I sit still and quiet my mind. I shut out all the stresses and long to-do lists of the day and just breath.

I like to do this after I’ve been up for a bit so I don’t drift off to sleep! I really love to do this on my back patio and listen to all the noises of nature before the sunrises.

Mindful mediation clears the mind giving you a break from all the anxieties we tend to thinking about on repeat all day everyday. Work, bills, finances, kids, goals… there is always something to stress about but for 10 minutes you are free to just exist as you are in the moment.


Clear you mind even more by jotting your thoughts down on paper. Putting your thoughts, blessings, stresses, fears, acomplishments, etc. down on paper helps you acknowledge how you are feeling and helps declutter the mind even more.

I love starting off with everything I’m thankful for and blessed with, then I go into what’s on my mind. Write it all down just as if you were venting to a close friend. This journal is for you and no one else, so be you and say what you need to say without hesitation or guilt!

Immediately after I journal I go ahead and take the time to chat with God. I’ve already got my thoughts down so why not go ahead and say a little prayer before the chaos of the day starts rolling in.

Move ya Body

Now that you’ve worked on your mental health its time to get physical!

I have the luxury of setting my own schedule since I own my own business, so this might look different for you. You might have to wake up earlier or not get full workout in but that’s ok! The point is to just get your blood pumping before the day starts! Go for a walk, stretch, do a quick yoga session! Even if you plan to go to the gym or workout in the evening do a little something to get that heartbeat pumping.

My goal this year is to drop the kids off at school then go straight to the gym or go hike/mountain bike. I live minutes away from a lake and there is nothing better than getting outside and taking in the outdoors. I can put on a good upbeat playlist, listen to an audio book, or just be in my thoughts before I start my day at work. If I plan it right I’ll be back ready to take on the day by 9 am!

It is so fulfilling to sit down at my desk and know that I’ve already accomplished so much while most are just getting started for the day.


When you finally find yourself getting ready for the day, take a moment to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful, deserving, and worthy you are!

Saying your affirmations in the mirror does feel a little silly sometimes but girl do it! As the day goes by we will question ourselves about not being good enough, not pretty enough, not deserving enough….. So start your day affirming and acknowledging who you are and who you want to be before you allow outside influences to attempt to convinces you otherwise!

Write those affirmations down and post them up on the bathroom mirror. Look at them every single day and believe them!!!

When you win your mornings, you not only win the day, but you take control of your life!


Thanks for tuning in and let me know what you think!


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