
Free Real Estate Pop-By Template: Make a Lasting Impression and Grow Your Business
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Free Real Estate Pop-By Template: Make a Lasting Impression and Grow Your Business

Business Facebook Instagram Youtube Pinterest FREE summer pop by template. “Your referrals make my biz pop!” To show my gratitude, I have a small gift for you: a free pop-by template! It’s a fun and easy way for you to stay connected with your network while promoting your business. The template is designed to make…

Weekly Menu

Weekly Menu

I’ve decided to start sharing our weekly menu! I know when I first started meal planning for our family I had a difficult time coming up with recipes to make so I thought this might help someone come up with dinner options for their family. This week I’m trying a few new recipes along with…

A letter to my daughter

A letter to my daughter

Dear Daughter, Oh, sweet girl, your birthday is among us. Another year has passed so quickly and I know your teenage years linger just over the horizon. There is so much to learn as a young woman and I don’t think it’s ever too early to start putting a few things in your ear. Life…

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

As I was sitting here this morning sipping on coffee, working away, and listening to Rachel Hollis’s new book, Girl, Stop Apologizing, I realized I should get on here and talk about morning routines. Rachel touched on it as I listened and I couldn’t agree more with how important a good morning routine can be!…

Propagating Oregano

Propagating Oregano

I have become slightly plant crazed the past two years. Last spring I decided to attempt a small vegetable and herb garden. I love to cook, so the idea of growing my own food and knowing where and how my ingredients were grown sounded appealing. Not to mention anything fresh from the garden to the…