3 Quick Tips to Attract Hummingbirds to your feeder


Make your own nectar

Mix equal parts of water and sugar in your feeder. Do this only for the first few weeks to attract Hummingbirds in your area. Once they’ve found your feeder and make frequent visits, back off the sugar and use a 1 part sugar 3 part water ratio. {Quit using the store bought feeder nectar and never use red food dye.} Replace nectar weekly so it doesn’t spoil in the summer heat.

Some sites say that more sugar doesn’t attract the birds but after experimenting with it personally, I’ve found that not true. Within two days we spotted 3 hummingbirds!


Bright colored flowers

Add hanging baskets of flowers around or near your feeders. The brighter the color the better. One time I could hardly get my baskets out of the trunk before I had a little hummingbird visitor fighting for a quick taste.

Also, purchase plants for your flowerbeds that naturally attract hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are said to love pineapple sage so I recently added some in my garden. I can’t wait until it blooms to see how they like it. *Bonus* Pineapple sage is a herb I can use in the kitchen…win win!



Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. When deciding on a feeder try finding one that has as much red as you can. I’ve noticed my hummingbirds always prefer the feeder with the red glass over the clear one.


During the spring and summer season, we spend a great bit of time on our patio. Watching our little visitors enjoying a sweet snack has been a highlight for my family!


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