2018 Top Books

I’m always on the hunt for a great book that lights a fire in my soul. Reading, wether for fun or for growth, is one of the best things you can do. You are your biggest asset so take some time and invest in yourself!!

I love beginning the day reading words of wisdom then winding down after a long day with a hot bath and a good book… ohhh and for the times in between a good audible book to keep me going. I love learning, I love growing, I love being inspired!

I have come across some really great books this past year and I thought I would compile a list of my favorites to share!


You Are a Badass at Making Money Master the Mindset of Wealth – by Jen Sincero

I purchased this book on my audible subscription and have listened to it over and over and over… Literally. When I get into one of my slumps its the first thing I reach for to get my head back in the game! You might recognize Jen Sincero from You are a Badass but being an entrepreneur I prefer version above. It really gets me motivated to get my crap together during those overwhelming seasons that have me feeling like throwing in the towel.

Wild – by Cheryl Strayed

I can’t say enough about this book. It literally consumed me for the day possibly two it took me to read ( I couldn’t put it down) Cheryl recounts a season in her life where she was so lost and found her self on an adventure not for the faint of heart. After reading Wild I was ready to put my life on hold and set out on my own spiritual journey on the PCT. Unfortunately, being a mommy to three, I couldn’t quite make that happen. I’m still waiting for my very own personal adventure like Cheryl’s.

** Wild was also made into a movie played by the one and only Reese Witherspoon. I loved it but read the book first…trust me!

What I know for Sure – by Ophra

I recently purchased this book on my audible and it was a quick and refreshing reminder on what is important in life. It reminds you to not get caught up in all the things you’re not, or all the things you don’t have, but making time for the little things that make you tick.

Lagom (Not too much not too little) The Swedish Art of Living A Balance, Happy Life- by Niki Brantmark

This is another book I’ve read more than once this past year. Sweden tops the charts for being one of the happiest places to live. It was so interesting to read how the Swedish live and what they incorporate into their lives that encourage a simple but full life. I mean to be listed as one of the happiest places to live they must be doing something right!

Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living – by Shauna Niequist

Shauna did a beautiful job illustrating her struggles and what she learned about slowing down and giving herself some grace. Life isn’t easy and we need to learn to embrace the present moment and forgive ourselves for the beautifully imperfect souls that we are. I especially love the quotes at the beginning of each chapter…but I’m a sucker for a good quotes and a lover of words that speak to the heart.

The Front Row Factor – by Jon Vroman

This book was so inspiring. We get ONE life to live and by gosh it shouldn’t be anything short of a front row experience at the most amazing event we could imagine ourselves attending. I loved the stories and the reminders that we are the designers of our life and how to make the most of every moment! Hmmm … I think its time to reread this gem!

Girl Wash Your Face – by Rachel Hollise

I couldn’t leave Rachel Hollis’s inspiring novel out of the mix. Rachel knows exactly how to get on every girls level recounting the struggles she faced that so many of us women face and the moment she stop believing the lies she was feeding herself! I personally listened to this book on audible and its another great book I replay.

I’m currently reading the Outlander fictional series by Diana Gabaldon …because every now and then a good romance is what the heart needs!!

I’m obsessed with the Outlander series on Starz!! This series is soooo good that when I found out it was based off a book series, I rushed to Barnes and Nobles and snagged a copy of the first book… {because lets face it the book is always better} Aside from the love story you’ll find some historical tidbits and lots of adventure… oh and did I mention a a beautiful Scottish outlaw….

Hope you find this list useful!

Thanks for stopping! What are you reading right now? Post some must reads in the coments below.


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